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Everything we do to make work grow. Welcome to our Tcare

Comprehensive Hospital and Medical Center Management System​

T Care, developed by Terra, is a state-of-the-art Hospital Management Software uniquely designed to cater to hospitals, clinics, and medical centers. It blends patient care with administrative efficiency, offering a wide array of features accessible via a mobile app and cloud hosting.

 Patient Information Management

Emergency contact details and Electronic Health Records (EHR), Online appointment scheduling and report generation capabilities.

 Human Resource Management

Staff scheduling, payroll, attendance, certification, and training tracking.

Nursing Management

Access to and updating of patient records, Medication administration records and alerts, Barcode scanning for patient and medication identification.

Patient Portal

Online access to health records, test results, and billing information.

 Pharmacy Management

Inventory tracking, reorder automation, and stock level monitoring, Patient medication history maintenance and inventory reporting.

Laboratory Management

Automated notification of test results to healthcare providers, Electronic distribution of test reports and laboratory inventory management.

Tcare your way. T also have an advanced solutions providing by Terra

From a single desk to a whole building. The choice is yours

You trust us with your institution and we take that very seriously

Communication and Language Support

SMS management, multi-language support, email and notice modules.

Advanced Scheduling and Payment Features

schedule management for doctors and integrated payment gateways.

Prescription and Report Management

Dynamic medicine selection during prescription creation and template for lab report creation

Patient Timeline and Medical History

Comprehensive patient medical history and timeline features.

Doctor’s Commission Calculator

A tool to calculate doctor commissions for diagnosis reference.

Integrated Payment Systems

Stripe payment gateway and Twilio SMS gateway

Responsive Design

Server-side tables for various functionalities ensuring device responsiveness.

Automatic Notification System

Auto email and SMS templates, with a redesigned prescription module.

Its Tcare

T Care stands as an all-encompassing solution for hospital and medical center management, offering unparalleled efficiency in patient care and administrative processes. Its broad range of features ensures that every aspect of healthcare management is streamlined, secure, and patient-centered.

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